

主演:戴恩·库克 朱莉·本茨 伊丽莎白·米切尔 芭芭拉·赫希  

导演:Matthew Leutwyler 


大陆剧《无言以对》是一部Matthew Leutwyler导演在,由戴恩·库克,朱莉·本茨,伊丽莎白·米切尔,芭芭拉·赫希等领衔主演的 美国剧。眼下,年近中年的瑞恩(戴恩-库克饰)和凯特(伊丽莎白-米歇尔饰)的婚姻也已然步入艰难的境地,两人虽不约而同地想努力维系这看上去已然开始不安的一切,并试图通过“怀孕生子”这一最传统的手段来弥合这个二人之家的缝隙。然而,事实并不像两人考虑的那般简单。两个在感情上已然逐渐疏远的人,就像是陌生人一般在各自的生活轨迹上,只是在形式上分享着一个家同一个房子罢了。
In 2001, Matthew Leutwyler co-founded the L.A. based production company Ambush Entertainment with partner Miranda Bailey with the philosophy of producing a wide range of original and diverse feature films. His first film for the company was the award winning comedy-horror-musical Dead & Breakfast starring Jeremy Sisto, Portia De Rossi, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Since then, Ambush has exec-produced 2005's award-winning critically acclaimed drama The Squid and the Whale; produced the sexually charged comedy The Oh In Ohio starring Parker Posey, Paul Rudd, and Danny DeVito; the comedy Lower Learning with Eva Longoria Parker, Jason Biggs, and Rob Corddry for Starz Entertainment. Recent films include: Against the Current, with Joseph Fiennes, Mary Tyler Moore and Justin Kirk which Premiered at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival and was picked up by IFC Films; the Matthew Broderick and Sanaa Lathan drama Wonderful World, distributed by Magnolia Pictures; and Every Day, written and directed by Richard Levine (Nip/Tuck) and starring Helen Hunt, Liev Schreiber, and Carla Gugino.
Recently, Leutwyler and Bailey teamed with Virginia Madsen and Karly Meola's Title IX to develop and produce a feature based on Martha O'Connor's best selling novel The Bitch Posse to be directed by Catherine Hardwicke (Twilight). Additionally they are Executive Producing the 3D horror comedy Hellbenders. The film is being co-produced with Circle of Confusion (AMC’s The Walking Dead).
Leutwyler's latest directorial endeavors include the adaptation of the acclaimed novel The River Why starring Academy Award winner William Hurt, Zach Gilford, Amber Heard, and Kathleen Quinlan.
Matthew has also been directing short form work including spots for Chevrolet and Coke Zero.
When an 11-year-old girl goes missing in Los Angeles, a chain of events is unleashed that will affect several strangers all struggling to find their own paths to redemption. Dane Cook, Barbara Hershey and Julie Benz, star in this tale of lost souls who will together find the Answers To Nothing.
Against the backdrop of a missing girl case, lost souls throughout Los Angeles search for meaning and redemption and affect each other in ways they don't always see.
Intertwining stories exploring the bad in the best of us and the good in the worst of us. Against the backdrop of a child abduction case we follow five days in the life of the single parent detective assigned to the case, her best friend whose determination to get pregnant keeps her from confronting her husband's infidelity, a school teacher and his obsession with the missing child that pushes him to the edge of vigilantism, a beat cop grieving over the violent death of his wife, a recovering addict and her wheel chair bound brother preparing for the LA marathon, and a self-loathing African American TV writer's search for love.。欢迎在线观看,由戴恩·库克,朱莉·本茨,伊丽莎白·米切尔,芭芭拉·赫希等领衔主演的  美国剧《无言以对》,乐乐影院第一时间为你提供《无言以对》,如果你喜欢《无言以对》请把它分享给的朋友,有您们的支持我们会做的更好。祝你观片愉快!








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