主演:芮塔·彭安 坦纳永·王特拉库 Namo Tongkumnerd Pim Parisa Dharmthai Plangsilp Flute Chinnapat Porsche
游客 2022-04-30
还是泰恐爱玩的前世今生因果报应那一套,但显然只学了个皮毛,内里逻辑相当混乱 也不怎么吓人,比起恐怖更多的是脏兮兮黏糊糊的环境和鬼怪带来的不适感,比较低级
游客 2022-04-30
Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views they get carried away and become reckless: their plan is to kidnap Tor bring him into a cemetery as revenge. Ton and Jack carry out their plan. When the two pranksters find a dried-up skeleton the...
游客 2022-04-30
游客 2022-04-30
游客 2022-04-30
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