主演:Mya Bollaers 伯努瓦·马吉梅尔 Els Deceukelier 萨米·瓦塔尔巴利 Jérémy Zagba Anemone Valcke Adriana Da Fonseca Delphine Bibet Félix Vannoorenberghe Denis Mpunga 马蒂亚斯·赛苏 Vincenzo De Jonghe 安妮-玛丽·卢珀 Kris Swinnen 罗比·克莱伦
游客 2022-09-30
#成渝多元文化月观影# 整部电影的节奏把握得很好,把故事聚焦在家长与跨性别子女之间的交流,却也旁敲侧击地反映出社会对跨性别群体的隐形歧视,如医疗支持、交流用语……亲情的纽带始终牵系这对父女,虽然父亲始终无法在自己的观念中理解女儿,但能搁置分歧去给予女儿一些支持也是非常难得了。
游客 2022-09-30
Lola 18 years old bleach blonde hair lives in a foster home with Samir her only friend. Impulsive and lonely she is trying to get her diploma as a veterinary assistant. When her mother passes away her father Phillip makes sure that Lola will miss the ceremony. Two years before that Philip was throwing her out of the family home: at the time Lola was still Lionel - Phili...
游客 2022-09-30
Human rights day the embassy of the kingdom of the netherlands in china观影纪念。大家哭成一团。与父母的关系是所有人共通的课题,而在trans身上能展现出最直观的纠结
游客 2022-09-30
游客 2022-09-30
我心伤悲 莫知我哀
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