游客 2022-10-23
前三分之二廢柴成長日誌 無論多廢、人生整沱爛到谷底、肚子凸到跟富士山一樣高、年過三十還家裡蹲都要紀錄下來的態度 既是scum精神的最高指導原則又是家庭檔案的終極實踐者吧 RESPECT 後半導演想玩後設有點解嗨但整體算瑕不掩瑜啦 總算是有再一起跳一支舞的
游客 2022-10-23
游客 2022-10-23
游客 2022-10-23
Since 1977 Sam Klemke has been recording himself on film the #selfieavantlalettre. In that same year NASA launched the Voyager with the Golden Record. Whereas NASA primarily sketches a positive picture of humanity Klemke's honest self portraits zoom in on the individual. A special film about time memory and what it means to be human.
‘This year will be my year it has to b...
游客 2022-10-23
压缩人的一生太沉重了,to answer the nature of who we are 也太沉重了,在时间里留下的印记却太轻了。unbearable significance of nobody
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