游客 2023-04-18
游客 2023-04-18
In ancient Japan a good lord is killed and his throne is taken by the trecherous Yuki Daijo and his wizard friend Oroki-maru. The young prince Ikazuki-maru is rescued from the jaws of death by moxia.cc a magic bird sent by a wizard. Ten years later Ikazuki-maru embarks on an adventure to avenge his parents and the wizard's death with his magic powers he learned from the wizar...
游客 2023-04-18
游客 2023-04-18
自从让蘑菇云给盖了两下之后 日本总是拍一些 特大怪物的灾难 片 这个其实是一个低成本的 相对的低成本 但其实比哥斯拉好看 有些像70年代的一部哥斯拉 再说了 那个吉尔度龙的造型和这个里面的还很像呢
游客 2023-04-18
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